Wednesday, July 22, 2009


my parents, being the supreme gardeners they are, have decided to start up a tiny little vineyard. aren't they pretty?! i can't wait to see how the wine turns out <3

Saturday, July 11, 2009

hello kitty house?

This resort in Taiwan takes it to the next level with an entire house dedicated to the icon everyone loves to hate.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Once upon a tragedy
Sixteen years this day
A shard of my spirit crushed
Turned back into stardust

Watching you pass on
Leaving this world behind
Tears another hole in me
Each moment your memory comes to mind

Reminded of your love
Your determination and devotion
A pirate with an obsession
How you adored the ocean

Early morning trips through the bays
Waking up the sun with nets full of bait
A genius in ways unheard of today
Reaching your brilliance a little too late

Little girl
My daddy’s life going slack
Weak heart and diseases wreaking havoc
I tried to bring you back

Failing the life I held so dear
You were gone
My heart went missing
Then nothing was clear

Confusion rules my life
To this very day
I’ll never understand
But I’ll still love you in every way
