Today I decided to take on the task of baking cupcakes from scratch. Now, having baked cakes and caked goods from a box my entire life this was a bit daunting. I really should have attempted this sooner. Not only was it fun, but they taste AMAZING! I really had no idea there was such a difference in taste!
First came the preheat(350) and cupping of the muffin pan.

It's a huge deal that my mise en place is fully prepared before I cook/bake anything. I get easily distracted while cooking so if things aren't measured out and ready before I start tablespoons get confused with teaspoons and amounts become easily skewed. I'm a spaz, what can I say?
1/2 cup (113 grams)butter, room temperature
2/3 cup (130 grams) granulated white sugar
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups (195 grams) wheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 cup (60 ml) 2% milk

To make my batter I use a KitchenAid Mixer, which btw is a magical device! I beat the room temperature butter and sugar together until fluffy(nearly doubled in volume). Add eggs one at a time and make sure each is completely mixed in before you add the next. After that, add the vanilla and mix until completely blended.
Separately whisk the flour and baking powder together in a bowl.
With your mixer on low alternately add the flour and milk in three intervals. I always start and end each interval with the flour (flour/milk/flour, flour/milk/flour, flour/milk/flour). Scrape down the sides of the bowl as you go so you make sure to mix everything.

Now it's time to fill up our cups and bake our cupcakes! I fill each cupcake cup a little over halfway to make sure they don't overflow and cause a cupcaketastrophy! Bake them for about 16 minutes or until you can push a toothpick through the center and it comes out clean.
After they're baked I put them on a wire rack to cool while I made the frosting.
Frosting was a breeze!
2 cups (230 grams) confectioners sugar or powdered sugar, sifted
1/2 cup (113 grams)butter, room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 tablespoons 2% milk
1/4 cup cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar (for thickness)
I creamed the butter in my mixer then added the vanilla until it was completely blended. Mixed that on high for about a minute just to make sure none is seperated. Then, with the mixer set to low, I added the powdered sugar gradually. Scrape down the sides and add the milk and mix on high for about 3 minutes. Add the cream cheese and cream of tartar and mix on high another 3 minutes. It should start to whip up a little. I put it in the fridge for a little over an hour to get nice and cold before I frosted the cupcakes.

So there you have it, my cupcake adventure!