Sunday, March 29, 2009

diy card

Making this card was fun and I really like how it turned out! I used embroidery thread and some paper from Sam Flax to make the cupcake and envelope. The actual card is just some cute card stock glued together.

Baby D's debut!

more here!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

This week in CUPCAKE art!

So much thought goes into these little treats! I can't believe how intricate some of these bakers get. I need more patience ;)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Michael Wolf

I came across this artist's 100x100 series and absolutely LOVED it. Definitely take the time to look through it if you have a chance. His obviously observant art is breathtaking in a grimy yet beautiful way.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Some SERIOUS Camera Porn!

Every gadget-lover wants to see the inside of a DSLR, so here ya go! This guy was lucky enough to see it in person.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Poor Bones

I went rummaging through my Mother's workshop tonight and came home with the x-ray taken for my left arm. I decided at age 14 to fall off a trampoline and destroy my left radius and ulna. Trampolines suck.

My Portrait Website

In an effort to spend as little as possible on a website and since I'm pretty terrible at HTML and Flash; well, maybe not terrible but I have zero patience when dealing with Dreamweaver and Flash programs for some reason. I was determined to find a website devoted to creating personal sites for cheap when I stumbled on Sure, it has it's quirks but for FREE it's an excellent site for someone that want to throw up a decent flash site in under an hour. I spent this morning updating my completely out of date website and came up with something simple and functional that I actually like. So, check it out if you have some time :D

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Cupcakes are SO cute to me. I love coming up with new ideas for cupcake recipes and decorations. I'm constantly browsing websites for cupcake ideas so I thought I'd share some I came across this week because they are exceptionally adorable.

Jon's Birthday Gift

Since the economy is crap and we're living proof of it I decided to take the shopping out of birthdays this year. My first attempt is my boyfriend Jon and thankfully he's as big a nerd as I am so I figured he wouldn't be hard to please. He likes anything odd or silly so I attempted an alien/monster crochet project and a hand-made card. He seemed to really like them so SUCCESS! Now for the rest of my family I have until June to come up with ideas for their gifts. Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Apartment Therepy

I absolutely love this site!! Being a recent grad living in a tiny Atlanta apartment leaves me searching for space-saving and low-cost solutions to my little pad. Apartment Therapy has great ideas from all over that are usually brilliant!

This week they featured room makeovers for around $300.00 that turned out surprisingly well! Here are some after shots, but you can go here for the entire article.

zooborns <3

In need of some super-cute babies?! Check out the furriness or lack there of at Zooborns!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

snowwy March

some shots from our neighborhood during our snow on March 1st <3