Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The sun came out briefly around dusk so I took a stroll around the neighborhood since I had been cooped up avoiding wind and rain all day. Nice to see so many flowers in bloom!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Fought off a headache most of the afternoon and cleaned for the first time in a week because of my terrible back issues. While scrubbing down the kitchen sink I was inspired to play with bubbles for today's portrait.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Relaxing Sunday of lunch and shopping with Jon. Spent the evening on our laptops nerding and listening to KEXP. Now, that I've wasted an hour playing with Photoshop it's time to make some dinner :D

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Earth Hour

Participating in Earth Hour this evening along with much of Seattle, spooky darkness all the way to the Sound…hehe. Join if you haven’t already:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Back Pain

Sorry about the delay, haven't been able to stand up for a few days because of a sudden case of extreme back pain. Will hopefully make up for the lost days soon. For now, this is all I can muster up.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Droopy Flowers

Was warm for a few days and now the chill is back. Seattle's flowers are none too happy about that. Hope they stick around for it to warm back up!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Another Richmond Beach Visit

This time we took the doglet! We expected to fight crowds today since it was so nice out but when we got to the beach it was surprisingly empty which was great! Have a look at some of the pictures I took: Click Me

Mirror Mirror

Leaving for the day with boyfriend and doglet in tow.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ribbon Ninja

It's Friday! have a great weekend everyone!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Green Toes Day!

now for beer and maybe a cupcake!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2010 Census

It's that time again! Don't forget to fill out your Census forms!!

Cupcake Mobile

Made a cupcake mobile to add to the gift package I'm sending to my best friend tomorrow. I hope she likes it and I REALLY hope the new baby enjoys it as well!

Monday, March 15, 2010

House Tour

Instead of a self portrait today you get to see my home. We moved across the country from Atlanta to Seattle back in October but with the holidays and unpacking this is the first I've had a chance to take pictures of the place. This is mostly for family and friends that have asked to see the new place (:

Google Reader

Just started using Google Reader a couple weeks ago to keep up with all the blogs I follow and it's fantastic so far! I don't have to use up a folder in my bookmarks anymore and try to remember who's blog I've checked now. If you're a Google Reader pro I'd really appreciate any tips or tricks you might know but for now I'm really enjoying it!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Snuggles

Clover, my nap-mate <3

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I think this umbrella is from Disney World back in the early 80's. It's always hung in my room since I was a tiny kid and will always remind me of my childhood <3

Friday, March 12, 2010

Cupcake Kids

Building cupcakes this week is so fun and cute...smiles all afternoon today taking this one!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Head

Updating website and job sites so I wanted an new shot of me as well. So yeah, here ya go.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Sarie Day

Found these glasses in a box while searching for nail polish I packed in Atlanta and forgot where. I have absolutely no idea where these fine spectacles came from, but needless to say I was delighted as they remind me of a favorite internet buddy.


Discovered this absolutely adorable blog/yarn shop today. They have OH SO creative patterns, a shop full of beautiful yarns and an occasional entry dedicated to the yumminess of cupcakes and muffins!

I can't get over how lovely most of their patterns are PLUS they have detailed pictures to go along with the step by step instructions. With contemporary patterns and lush fiber to purchase on-site, this one stop shop really caters to those of us obsessed with creative knot design.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blanket DONE!

Completed my FIRST ever baby blanket today. I made it for my best friend's soon-to-be-here little girl. I hate it that I can't be there to meet the new baby, but she's in Tennessee. Hopefully I'll make it back to that coast before she's a toddler.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Reading in Secret

Too cold to venture out around town.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


When people I love are upset beyond words it makes me crazy that I can't do anything to help.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Richmond Beach

We went further north today and found a beach with an off leash area we'll have to bring Clover to. Watched the sunset before a little grocery shopping. Won't have weather like this for awhile after today :/

Friday, March 5, 2010

Squishy Camera

For just dollar, Target has contributed to my afternoon enjoyment. I miss smelling like this salty-sweet smooshy stuff!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


The tiny bed only one of us can sleep in at a time but it's antique and adorable so we had to lug is across the country. Such a weird size, it's larger than a twin but smaller than a full and from the mid 1800's I believe. Jon is over 6 feet tall so saying he doesn't quite fit is an understatement...normal sheets don't even fit! One day we'll be able to afford a bed but in this recession we sleep in shifts :/

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Spent the afternoon clipping coupons, chatting on the phone with my Grandma and finishing up the laundry. I need to work on my new resume but slacked off by playing around with cross processing fun in photoshop hehee!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fresh Laundry

Cleaned the entire basement in my apartment building today. I don't see how the people that live here have done laundry down there with it looking that way, and probably for YEARS! This is suppose to be the yuppie area of town so I assumed they would clean up after themselves since we're all adults and I see no children around. With the attitude we've gotten from some of our neighbors it was a thankless job but at least I feel better about the area I share with the snobs. I always feel so much better after I've scrubbed a place down and relieved that my shared laundry area is good as new! Now to continue folding the "so fresh and so clean".

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring Cleaning Arsenal

Bye bye February!! I'm so happy that spring is finally here and my apartment is dust-free!!