Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cable Crochet

A variation on the basket weave pattern I learned earlier this year--made to look like a rough cable knit.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Peru sees my pictures!

A paper in Peru, El Comercio, has published photos I took at Fremont Coffee Company a couple weeks ago. The barista there does some really neat latte art portraying movie and cartoon characters very well!

To see all the photos I've taken at Fremont Coffee Company check out my set on Flickr: here

Saturday, May 14, 2011

AMA Supercross 2011

Last month we went to Qwest Field for the AMA Supercross. I rented a big fun lens for the occasion and just got a chance to edit the photos this week. The event was awesome and a really fun experience overall. My Flickr page has the entire set so check it out if you want to see!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Green Fixes

I had some pieces that weren't quite fitting so I decided to spend this month evening out the loose ends (in green of course).

Dragon Eggs

Easter was last weekend and I completely forgot to throw this photo up of the eggs we made. They ended up looking pretty rad, like little dragon eggs.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bricks & Butterflies

What a month! Was sick for over two weeks of it and even missed a week of work. Once that horrendous experience was over I worked on my monthly project every chance I got. A brick stitch in the white cashmere blend was quick and turned out to be a pretty pattern while a fancy-fun butterfly stitch in the pink corn blend was a challenging and cute new stitch. I need to seek out new and exciting yarn shops this weekend and start thinking about some ideas for April. Here's hoping for an enchanting SPRING!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Addition

This month I taught myself two new stitches. The first is this basket weave stitch. It's really plushy and makes for a great blanket texture. The yarn I used for this is a cashmere blend and SO soft! I'm really pleased I purchased it.

The second section I created this month is what's called a V stitch. I made it too tight so it ruffles a little bit but I like the little eyelet design that it created and think it looks lacy while adding a little bit of a delicate touch. It's the same kind of yarn as the baby yellow above, just in a moss color so it's very soft as well.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clover's Corn Sweater

A new snuggly sweater for my chilly little mutt. She's appreciative enjoying the fruits of my labor as it's in the 20's outside and everything is icy. I found this super-soft yarn made with a cotton/corn blend that I love so much I might add it to a section of the afghan I'm making this year. Will post more on that later. The last sweater I made for her was a little bulky and my first attempt at a dog-sized frock. This one I'm proud of. It didn't take me long and the stitches were really even, not to mention it fits her very well!

As far as detail, there's a little shell edging along the bottom of it but other than that it's fairly plain. I'm getting more comfortable with little design elements so I look forward to creating more unique details.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Snuggle Slippers

These were extra-fun to make! I used two strands of yarn at a time to make them thick and hold their shape. The base was made with black and brown yarn while the sides and top were made with light purple and green. I want to work on variations of these to make a ballet slipper design and maybe even try mary janes with a little buckle.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Square One

I didn't really make any resolutions this year other than I want to learn a few things like how to snowboard and to expand my crocheting abilities. Nothing really profound, so over the past few days I've been thinking I'd like to make something over the entire year to remember it by. I woke up a few days ago with the idea to make a small piece every month and stitch them all together at the end of this year creating an afghan for our bed. I threw this one together last night and this afternoon without a pattern so I think I'm going to stick to that method. I'd like to pick up yarn on our various trips throughout the year to use as well. The two I've used here were really soft yarns I had left over from projects I've made recently so I just used them. The flower was fun to make and the green portion around it is a popcorn stitch that I've read about but never attempted--it came out quite well plus it's very squishy! I look forward to posting more as I go and can't wait to see what the finished product will look like!

Turtle Hats

An old friend of mine from middle school and I found each other on facebook a bit ago. She has this adorable little turtle that she's had forever. Well, she saw pictures of Clover in her little knit accessories and asked me if I could make something even smaller for her turtle. These little pieces are what I came up with. She now has a top hat, snow cap and bow on their way to her. I can't wait to see if these little crochetables fit her wee reptile's head!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Daidrie Apron

Recently I've met one of the sweetest people ever here in Seattle. She's upbeat, passionate and just an all around awesome person. I was a little late getting her gift to her because I'd never made one before so it took a little time to construct. Once complete it's probably one of my favorite things I've created to date. It's a miniature apron ornament/decoration complete with pocket and beaded hanger also made by me. I'm pretty thrilled with how well it turned out.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Squishy Ornaments

For a few of my lovely co-workers I made some amigurumi creatures to decorate their holiday plant life with. Neither were made with a pattern, just a mishmash of what I thought would look best considering the outcome I wanted.

One of my optical partners in crime has the cutest little chihuahua named Chico who was the perfect inspiration for this tiny yarnspiration.

My other co-worker is completely snowman obsessed so I made her a sweet little Frosty to add to her collection.

Gifts by me

This year I made some wearable gifts. I'm getting better with a crochet hook so I was able to complete these two fairly quickly and I'm very happy with how they turned out.

For my little sister who happens to be obsessed with purple I made a hat and scarf. The scarf was a pattern I put together by mashing a couple patterns I have used before. Her hat, on the other hand, was created as I went.

For my Mom I made a cowl out of some fantastic green yarn I found earlier this year(I used some of the left over for my sister's hat and Clover's bonnet from a previous post). She can use it to warm her neck or as a chunky headband. This pattern was a variation on this pattern I found: http://angryolive.livejournal.com/13767.html